II Peter 1:5-7
Monday, January 26, 2009
Tears from Heaven
Once again in need of His grace.
I know I've made His just heart ache
Even mine is about to break.
I see His tears in falling rain,
and know I am the cause of pain.
Yet He reaches down from above
and touches me with a heart of love.
He lifts me from the filthy mud,
and makes me clean with His pure blood.
And now I'm walking by His side,
with a heavenly home where we'll abide.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Can Others See Jesus in Me
with every breath give you the praise.
You are the one in control, not me.
Your love brings me to my knees.
Can others see Jesus when I speak,
Know everyday it's your will I seek?
Oh God what would I do,
if I turned others away from you?
Show me when I'm full of pride.
Let me always walk by your side.
Help me never grumble, blame
or bring reproach on your Holy name.
For each person you were crucified,
for your church you bled and died.
May I love and serve others,,
seek the best for my sisters and brothers.
It's your will we all be unified.
Be my Savior and my guide.
I'll encourage others not to roam,
as we journey together on our way home.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Pass It On
Pass It On
Look at this precious smile.
It's being passed on to you.
Now your life feels worthwhile.
Makes you feel brand new.
It's your turn now.
Smile at the next person you meet.
They may even say wow!
You'll make their life so sweet.
It's really so simple.
People will smile back at you.
You may even see a dimple.
Now pass it on to you know who!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Are You Ready to be healed?
Let Jesus make you whole.
Are you ready to heal
mind, body and soul?
Humble yourselves before Him
to let the healing begin.
He is the great physician
who takes away your sin.
When your heart is filled with sorrow,
your Savior is standing near.
Let go of your heavy burden.
Jesus will wipe away each tear.
Let go of your worries and fears.
Jesus wants to comfort you.
Let the healing begin today.
Your spirit He will renew.
Thursday, January 08, 2009
Garrison's Reflections on Life
Garrison was enjoying
sitting in his bouncy
seat and looking around.
He was just chilling out.
He thought to himself,
"Why can't adults just sit
and relax? Why are they
always in a hurry and
worrying about something?"
Garrison knew his dad
would provide for him and
his mom would feed him,
change his diaper and read
books to him. His big
brother, Fischer, would pat
him and comfort him when
he cried.
He was already learning about God. God made horses, cows,
mommies, daddies, brothers and sisters. He heard Mommy
and Daddy talking about how God took care of him when he was
first born and had to stay in the hospital.
If these big people would just trust God, like I trust my Daddy,
they could sit and enjoy life like I do. They'd never worry about
problems. They'd pray and then trust God.
I'm sure glad I don't have anything to worry about. God takes
care of me and He gave me a family to love. How sweet is that!
Wednesday, January 07, 2009
Hospitality to Those in Need
This scripture points out different ways we can help those in
need: look after the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the naked,
give the thirsty something to drink and visit those in prison.
Also, James 1:27 talks about helping the widows and orphans.
When you think about it every person is in need at some
point in their life. Maybe they have lost a job, had a loved one
that died, having health problems, or maybe moving to a new
There are so many ways that we can help the needy. We are
not just to help our friends or family, but to reach out to
others. Reach out to those who are in a different economic
background or who may be different from us in other ways.
How can you reach out today? Who is the needy person that
comes to your mind? Hospitality is so much more than just
having someone to our home.
Visit someone in the hospital, send a card or letter, bake a
pie for that new neighbor, have coffee with someone who is
struggling and just listen. There is a blogger that I am
becoming friends (Charlene-bring on the rain) that she and
her mother crocket blankets for the homeless.
There are so many things we can do and each one of us can
do something different. Reach out today!
Can you reach out to someone who is
carrying a heaven burden today?
All they may need is a smile or a hug
to encourage them along life's weary way.
Life is full of heartache and sorrow,
but a person who listens can lift our despair.
Think of all the people who have helped you,
so pass on the kindness by showing you care.
There are some who feel so alone.
What could make them feel better?
It could be something very simple,
send them a card or a letter.
There is someone in your path today,
someone who is looking to you.
Don't be afraid ask for God's help.
Reach out their hope renew.
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Premio Dardos Award
Bring on the Rain. I do hope to continue to write things that are uplifting and encouraging.
While I would award this to every blogger, I know that I must follow the rules presented to me and they are as follows:
1) Accept the award, post it on your blog together with the name of the person that has granted the award and his or her blog link.
2) Pass the award to 15 other blogs that are worthy of this acknowledgment. Remember to contact each of them to let them know they have been chosen for this award. (Sorry I didn't
have 15 blogs that I read so I'm passing it on to the ones I enjoy)
I am encouraged to present this Award to:
1. Youthministry Hilarity blogspot (Franklin)
2. Fischerbowl (Tracy)
3. A Faithful Journey (BobUtley blogspot)
4. Transformed Moms (Patti)
5. Heavenly Homemakers (Laura)
6. Tea and Thee (Beth)
7. A New Beginning ( Jason's Mommy)
Monday, January 05, 2009
Tea and Thee

I sit here early in the morning
slowly sipping my cup of tea;
reflecting on the blessing
of talking with thee.
I come before you each day
knowing I won't be denied.
Asking for strength and comfort,
grateful you always provide.
I feel joy and contentment
each moment that we share.
You give me strength each day
as I lay before you every care.
Your Holy Word is my daily bread.
I love precious moments with thee.
Thankful we can meet together
while I'm sipping my cup of tea.