II Peter 1:5-7

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Hospitality to Those in Need

I'm studying a lesson about helping those in need. Mt 25:31-46
This scripture points out different ways we can help those in
need: look after the sick, feed the hungry, clothe the naked,
give the thirsty something to drink and visit those in prison.
Also, James 1:27 talks about helping the widows and orphans.

When you think about it every person is in need at some
point in their life. Maybe they have lost a job, had a loved one
that died, having health problems, or maybe moving to a new

There are so many ways that we can help the needy. We are
not just to help our friends or family, but to reach out to
others. Reach out to those who are in a different economic
background or who may be different from us in other ways.

How can you reach out today? Who is the needy person that
comes to your mind? Hospitality is so much more than just
having someone to our home.

Visit someone in the hospital, send a card or letter, bake a
pie for that new neighbor, have coffee with someone who is
struggling and just listen. There is a blogger that I am
becoming friends (Charlene-bring on the rain) that she and
her mother crocket blankets for the homeless.

There are so many things we can do and each one of us can
do something different. Reach out today!

Can you reach out to someone who is
carrying a heaven burden today?
All they may need is a smile or a hug
to encourage them along life's weary way.

Life is full of heartache and sorrow,
but a person who listens can lift our despair.
Think of all the people who have helped you,
so pass on the kindness by showing you care.

There are some who feel so alone.
What could make them feel better?
It could be something very simple,
send them a card or a letter.

There is someone in your path today,
someone who is looking to you.
Don't be afraid ask for God's help.
Reach out their hope renew.

1 comment:

Serendipitymom12 said...

Thank you for mentioning our project!! :)

And giving is a greater joy than receiving. We all can invest some time in giving to those in need somehow! Thanks for this wonderful post!
