II Peter 1:5-7

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

His Light Brightens

I wander lost,
As a blind man searching
Hands stretched out
Groping to find my way
Ebony surrounds
Bleakness abounds

When darkness is at its peak

Incredible light pierces
Hope dawns
A Messiah appears
A Redeemer,
A Rescuer

He turns my darkness into day
Fear lessens
Faith heightens
His light brightens

Friday, November 22, 2013

God Sent His Son

For God has sent His Son to shine,
He warms my heart with love and grace.
My world He formed with bold design.
For God has sent His Son to shine
and on His Word I daily dine,
then gaze upon His gentle face
For God has sent His Son to shine.
He warms my heart with love and grace.

Monday, November 04, 2013

More Than Just a Shoe

It’s interesting how God can use simple objects
in our lives to teach us lessons about Him and
His love.

I know you are looking at the picture of my shoe
and wondering what you could learn from a shoe.
I really like my new shoes. Notice the pink against
the black; isn’t it pretty?

Reflecting on the black reminded me of the trials
and problems in our lives. Sometimes we concentrate
so much on the problems that there seems to be
no light, no good things in our lives. Then God sends
some beautiful color into our lives. Something that
brightens our day and gives us comfort during the
storms.  Maybe He sends a person who says an
encouraging word or we spend time with God in His

I hope these few thoughts make you reflect on God’s
love and blessings for you even during the storms.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013

What Holds My Heart

I have been doing a study “What Happens
When Women say Yes to God?”  The Question
was asked what do I need to give up to be 
closer to God. One woman said Netflix and 
another said Coke Zero.

There are things that can take our attention
and focus away from God. They are not 
necessarily bad things, but God does not 
come first. 

All of a sudden Sunday afternoon the tears
started flowing. I thought about things 
that were important to me, things that I
loved, that I spent time on. My family is so 
dear to me. When I went to Africa it was
hard, but my children went with me. I 
thought about what if God asked me to go
to Africa again. If He asked me to leave 
behind my grandchildren, my children, 
my mother who is in bad health.

Where are my priorities? Would I be 
willing to do“whatever” God asks me to?
I don’t know that He will ask me to return
to Africa or some other country,but I think
 this is a question I need to ask myself.
God needs my heart. Maybe this kind of
question is what we all need to think about. 
What are we willing to give up if God asks
 us to?

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Gratitude Journey

       I have for a long time thought about 
gratitude  and have known that I have so much 
to be thankful for. So many  blessings God gives
me each and every day.
       They are like daily gifts from Heaven that
need  to be  opened and treasured. They come
in boxes of all sizes. So many times they are like
gifts left in a box unopened; unnoticed gifts of
God’s love and presence in my life.  I don’t “see”
them. They are there and have been there all 
through my life.
       I have read Ann Voskamp’s book: 1,000
gifts. Hers was definitely a journey to physical
and even more spiritual wholeness. A journey 
to find God in her life and see he was with her
even during the frightening  times of her life.
       As I near writing down my 1,000 gifts I 
know I will keep going; keep writing God’s
gifts to me. I miss way too many by not seeing
them; overlooking them. I hope  to notice and 
really see more and more of them; evidences
of God’s presence in my life.
       A gift is precious though and one of mine
lately has  been: a little boy in a picture as he
wears dirt on his face,  looking at it with such
joy and wonder in his eyes. Can I  be like that?
Can I be joyful and filled with awe and wonder 
at God’s gifts?
       August 14th , in our Wednesday night 
ladies Bible  class we are going to start a 
journey in the Garden of  Gratitude and see 
the fruits it produces in our lives.
       Practice, practice, practice. I must write,
write, write down the blessings and write more
Thank You notes to those who God has put in
my life and tell them what a blessing they
have been to me. 
