II Peter 1:5-7

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Magnificent Monday

Strolling Through the Book of James

When you're going through a trial
Remember God walks with you each mile
Through life's many trials that you endure
Your faith in God will grow and mature

How do you live out your faith today?
Does it show in the way you pray?
Are you confident God will hear
and take away all of your fear?

Do you constantly sing His praise,
tell all about His merciful ways.
Do you speak kindly of others;
those who are your sisters and brothers?

Do you pray God's will be done;
Ask for help Satan's temptations to shun.
Draw closer to God day by day
Read His word and joyfully obey

If in trouble do you pray,
When happy praise without delay
Go to others in Christ who care
Know the power available in prayer.

Friday, August 14, 2009

Fantastic Friday

When I’m Still I Find Him

Father, I have so much to do,
But first I need time with you.
I hurry, scurry and run around
When what I need in only you is found.

I need you at the beginning of my day
For how else can I find my way.
You give me the strength I need.
I must follow wherever you lead.

At the end of the day when my eyes close,
I remember my precious Savior arose.
He won the victory over sin.
With Him a new life can begin.

I will find you when I am still.
My life with contentment you fill.
My lips will sing and praise
And tell of your loving ways.

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Treasured Tuesdays

Amazing Savior, Amazing Grace
A great tree can arise from a very tiny seed
May my faith grow like that as I follow your lead
Help me say not my will but yours be done
And not drop out of this race I have to run.
How can I look upon my Savior’s precious face
When I’m so unworthy of His amazing grace
He continues to forgive me o’er and o’er
And generously His love for me outpour

I know today that I must take a leap
Trusting in the one who never does sleep
He’s always ready to help me when I fall
Or listen to me no matter when I call
