II Peter 1:5-7

For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness, and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Two Friends (An Esther Story)

Mrs. Wazowsky knew this would be a beautiful day.
She stretched and crawled out of bed. At her age she
didn't jump out of bed anymore, but you had to expect
some changes with age.

She was so blessed with a nice home and now there
was her darling companion, Stella, an energetic beagle

The sun was shining so bright. This would be a great
day to take Stella out for a walk to the park.

She placed her pocka dot hat and sunglasses on. This
new hat did wonders for her spirits. The colors just
seemed to say Spring.

“Stella, Stella”, she called. The puppy was always
excited to hear her name. Stella loved this delightful
human that she lived with.

Mrs. Wazowsky enjoyed singing while she did her
chores. Stella howled, which was her way of joining

Stella loved their daily walks, although, Mrs.
Wazowsky was a bit slow. Still Stella could stop
and do a lot of sniffing of the grass and flowers.

Both Mrs. Wazowsky and Stella enjoyed their new
friendship. They realized there was a God who
created them and blessed them by giving them to
each other.

Time for their walk. They both silently thanked
God for another marvelous day together.

(Esther is Mrs. Wazowsky in this story and Stella
is her new woof woof.)

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Waiting on Him

Waiting on answers I can't see.
Knowing He always hears my plea.
Waiting to see His plan unfold.
Praying my life He will mold.
Serving while the future's unclear.
Worshiping my God without fear.

Friday, March 20, 2009

Turn to God

In my life there are:

mountains to climb,
valleys of despair,
storms that threaten,
bridges to cross,
forks in the road.

Yet I know:

my Guide,
my Comforter,
my Protector,
my Hope,
my Redeemer.

Therefore, I will

take one step at a time,
seek His peace,
put my trust in Him,
seek Him daily in prayer
obey His Word.

My Path is Dark

My path is dark and I can't see.
Deliver me
O Lord I pray,
Show me the way

Lord, I need you to light my way
From break of day
Till night is here,
Please hold me near.

I open Your Word there is light
It gives me sight
At last I see
My soul is free.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

You're the Missing Piece

When life is a puzzle
You're the missing piece I seek.
When I'm feeling joyful
You're the music that stirs my heart.
When I've fallen over the edge
You're the rope to which I cling.
When I'm in the middle of sinking sand
You're the foundation neath my feet.
When life seems cruel and cold
You're the fire that warms my soul.
You're my Savior, friend, redeemer,
My light and my very life.

Remember Your God

Put not your trust
in earthly treasures.
They turn to dust;
these temporary pleasures.

Put your trust in God who cares.
He sees your heartache and pain;
longing for you to share,
wanting to take away sin's stain.

Don't trust in your own might,
your bodies are weak and frail.
Trust in God who will fight.
Remember God does not fail.
