Why is it that in my journal some of the worst days of my life
are recorded with just the facts. There's not mention of the
feelings that went along with the incident - just an entry in a
Why is it hard to actually put feelings into words? If I don't
write about it and mention the pain maybe later when I reread
it, it will seem like it actually happened in someone else's life,
not mine. But then again to minimize the pain doesn't help get
over it. It's still lying underneath ready to pounce any time
like a tiger with a victim unaware.
A new year begins tomorrow. I'm going to work at putting my
feelings into words. Maybe then I can move on past painful
moments. In not writing out feelings I also miss out on more
joyful moments.
I had have some of the happiest moments in my life the last
week; having my children and grandchildren around me. But
sometimes those moments can also look like a simple fact
written in a journal. I want to be able to express those joyful
moments, too. I want my children and grandchildren to know
how blessed I felt just having them near.
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