Do you ever feel like you are spinning your wheels spiritually?
Not going forward in your faith or growing. Do you feel like
your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling?
I guess it's like the winter season. You can see no growth.
Everything looks dead, but there's hope because it really isn't.
The green grass will come out, the trees bud and bring forth
leaves, and the flowers will once more come forth in an array
of colors.
I know God is listening and waiting for just the right moment
to answer my prayers. Everything has to be just right. I
have been studying Joseph and think about all those years it
took before his dreams came true. All the suffering and how
God was shaping him.
I look around at others who are suffering and feel my trials
are so insignificant up to theirs. God has a plan for each
one of us and a time for it to be fulfilled.
So, dear one, there is hope. Keep believing, keep praying
and be assured God loves you and is working mightily in
your behalf.
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