II Peter 1:5-7
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Only 5 loaves of bread and two small fish
crowd followed Jesus and as it grew later in the day His
disciples went to Him and told Him to send the people
away so they could go and buy food.
Jesus said, "Where can we buy bread for these people?"
Philip said, "Eight months' wages wouldn't buy enough
for them to enough have one small bite."
Andrew brought a boy to Jesus. "Here's a boy who has
5 small barley loaves and 2 small fish, but how far will
that go among this crowd?"
Jesus blessed the bread and broke it. The disciples
handed it out and all the people (5,000 men and also
women and children) ate and were satisfied. They even
took up 12 baskets full of leftovers. Amazing.
I happened to think about how we feel that whatever
we have just isn't enough to serve Jesus with. We look
at someone else's talents and say I can't do anything.
What can I do? I don't have any talents or this person
could do it better. We're filled with fear and afraid to
hand over to Jesus our meager offerings.
What do you have today that you could turn over to
Jesus? He can do amazing things with our lives when
we're willing to let Him.
I remember as a child hearing of a woman who didn't
feel as if she could teach someone about Jesus, but she
could bake pies. When someone was new to town, or
illness in the family, or needed encouragement she
took them a pie. She showed Christ through her life of
When we lived in Africa we had a pickup. We had
several of the teachers there who could drive and we
felt confident to let them drive when there was a need,
such as a funeral or a wedding or someone from school
was sick and needed to go to town.
What do you have to give to Jesus for His use? I think
this is a great thought about how to start out the new
year. Start praying that He can use you and that He'll
make clear the opportunities before you.
Remember what a shepherd boy named David did with
5 stones and a sling or how about Moses and his rod.
What's He going to do with your life this year? Wow. I
can hardly wait to see.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Can You Sleep Through the Storms?
Jesus and His disciples were at sea,
a storm arose with crashing waves.
The disciples woke Jesus with a plea,
that He their lives might save.
When the storms of life appear,
and we know they will.
Do we fret and wrestle with fear
or before our Father kneel?
Where do we go when we are afraid?
Can we sleep through the night?
We should turn to the one who paid
for our sins and for us will fight.
He will help overcome Satan's attacks.
God takes care of each of His sheep.
Pray and you will receive strength you lack,
then through the storms of life you will sleep.
Matthew 8:23-27 This scripture made me think
of the times when we have storms in our lives. They
come. Some just stay longer and are much stronger.
Who do we run to?
Friday, December 19, 2008
Focusing on God's Word Today
Scripture can help you through the day. It can
help you with changes you need to make.
Are you struggling with your health or getting
through a difficult time? Remember Ps 18:1-2
I love thee, O LORD, my strength. The LORD
is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer,
my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge; my
shield and the horn of my salvation, my
Are you struggling with forgiving someone?
Remember that because of Christ you are
forgiven. Eph 4:32 And be kind to one another,
tenderhearted, forgiving each other, just as
God in Christ has forgiven you.
Are you feeling burdened down by struggles
in this life, physical, spiritual or financial?
Mt 11:28-30 Come to me all you who are
weary and heaven burdened, and I will give you
rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me,
for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will
find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and
my burden is light.
Do you feel that God is far way, that He's not
listening to you? Heb 13:5-6 Keep you lives free
from the love of money and be content with what
you have, because God has said, "Never will I
leave you, Never will I forsake you." So we say with
confidence, "The LORD is my helper; I will not
be afraid, what can man do to me?"
Make some note cards with different scriptures and
keep those where you can look at them and focus
on what you need for each day. His Word will sustain
Thursday, December 18, 2008
I Can Do All Things Through Christ(Phil 4:13)
one of the favorites of our ladies in prison.
What does this verse mean to you? Maybe you can get
through the fears of an illness, yours or a loved ones.
Maybe you can get through tough financial times or
the unfaithfulness of a mate.
We all have different situations that come to mind
when we think of this verse.
For our ladies in prison, it might be feeling like they
have no support. Maybe their families gave up on
them and they haven't heard from them in several
years or maybe they don't think they will ever get
their children back. They want out of prison now,
but they have to wait. Waiting is always hard, but
we're told to wait on the LORD.
I'm waiting to hear about my 2 1/2 month old
Grandson's sleep study. He's had a rough start in
life, but God's with him.
Finances are tighter, but then again they are for a
lot of families and I haven't missed any meals. I'm
sure it wouldn't hurt me if I did. God has blessed
us this past year abundantly. He's shown us He'll
get us through. He will provide "what we need".
With Christ's help I can get through discouragements
in this life. I can overcome fears.
What is your "all things" include today? You can get
through it with Christ. He will provide the strength
you need.
I'd appreciate hearing what this verse means to you.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
What are your Blessings Today?
drivers yesterday morning disappeared by afternoon
giving us the opportunity to go to the prison. A
wonderful answer to prayer. Also, God kept us safe
as a deer ran in front of us.
It was the one night of the year that we get to take
goodies into the prison for these women. We took
chips, cookies, and candy. The ladies were sooooo
appreciative. Little goodies that we take for granted.
We got lots of hugs and thank you's. One woman said,
"Do you know how long it's been since I've had
fritoes?" Others enjoyed the cookies piled high with
frosting or the bag of candy they received.
These women in prison are constantly teaching me
lessons. I need to be reminded to thank God for all
the blessings He's given me. I don't want to take any
of His blessings for granted.
This is a difficult time of year for these women. They
are not able to be with their families. So I thank God
that He's allowed us to be their family .
What if you were in prison and couldn't be with
your family? What if you had to dress in gray every
day? What if you weren't able to get the foods you
enjoy as a treat?
As you go about your day today, think about all the
little things of this day. The special blessings He's
given you today!
Mt 6:25-34, James 1:17, Ps 84:11
Monday, December 15, 2008
Forgiveness, How Sweet!
a gift we're given because of Jesus death
brings healing to our hearts and souls
something we can give to others
something we crave from others also.
where would I be without it?
One of our regular ladies in our Bible class at prison,
cries every time we sing Amazing Grace. I think
these women truly are thankful for forgiveness.
They have felt the need for it so deeply.
I need to remember I'm a sinner in need of God's
forgiveness and His grace every day. Judy Wood
is a sinner, but thanks be to God for His amazing
love and gift, the death of His Only Son.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
This Day is a Gift From God
This day is God's gift to me.
Will I complain it's too windy, too cool,
I don't have enough time.
Will I waste this precious day,
forgetting that it's a gift.
How will I use it?
Will I thank Him for every hour,
every blessing of this day?
I know He'll never leave me
and He always provides just what I need.
Even through difficult circumstances.
So today I will spend time talking with Him,
thanking Him for this precious gift.
I'll spend some time reading His words
of love to me and hide them in my heart.
I will walk through this day with a heart
full of praise for God, My Father.
I'll savor every minute, every hour
of this day,
as I remember with gratitude
this day is God's gift to me.
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Words I Speak
can others tell it's you that I seek?
God, can they see you're number one
in my life and I believe in Jesus, your Son.
by thoughtless words as I talk?
Do I mutter about you and complain
or show I believe you can sustain?
Father, what do grumbling words convey,
but a lack of trust in your provision today?
Do I live my life trusting your power
to get me through each and every hour?
Let me never forget the amazing cost
of salvation or cause someone to be lost.
I want to live and point others to you,
Phil 4:14-16a
Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God, without fault in a crooked and depraved generation, in which you shine like stars in the universe as you hold out the word of life.
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Lessons from Little Children

Children can teach us a lot if we just stop and listen
to them. Listen to the prayers of children. They are
thankful and notice even the small gifts God blesses
them with: blades of grass, smell of flowers, shapes of
clouds in the sky, and moments with Dad and Mom.
Children can also teach us to notice the small things
people do and tell them. Our grandson, Fischer,
was a good example of this during our time with him
the week of Thanksgiving.
Fischer needed some help from Grandpa and then
told his Grandpa, "you're so strong, Grandpa. You're
so strong."
Then Fischer spilled some of his cereal on the table
and I wiped it up. He said, "Grandma, you're a good
cleaner." What a smart little guy!
A couple of things to think about today. Remember
to tell your Father in Heaven thank you for all the
gifts He's given you. If you're like me, you have a
lot that He's blessed you with so be prepared to
spend some time with Him.
Also, notice the small things people do. The way
they bless you by noticing the things you do.
Wouldn't it be great as families if we noticed
the smiles, the food mothers cook, daddies working
hard for families, friends calling us just when we
need it. Little notes of kindness sent.
Too many times we focus on what somebody does
wrong; the times they don't do things like we
would like for them to.
Phil 4:8-9 would be a great text for us to look at.
Think about whatever is lovely, pure, admirable,
noble, true, praiseworthy.
Small children also forgive easily. They don't seem
to hold grudges. Their smiles and hugs are precious.
They love us so sweetly.
Remember lessons from little children. Be thankful
and tell God what you're thankful for. Tell others
the good things you see about them.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Yet I Will Rejoice in the LORD
Though the fig tree does not bud
and there are no grapes on the vines,
though the olive crop fails
and the fields produce no food,
though there are no sheep in the pen
and no cattle in the stalls,
yet I will rejoice in the LORD,
I will be joyful in God my Savior.
The Sovereign LORD is my strength;
He makes my feet like the feet of a deer,
He enables me to go on the heights.
I can't help but be awed by this verse.
Fill in your own blanks. Though the
_____________ does not __________
and the _____________ doesn't _________,
Yet I will rejoice in the LORD. What difficulty
will come into your life today? Can you say
like Habukkuk did "I will rejoice in the LORD".
It doesn't make any difference about my
circumstances, I'm going to rejoice because
God is my strength.
I Thessalonians 5:16-18. Be joyful always,
pray continually; give thanks in (all)
circumstances, for this is God's will for you
in Christ Jesus.
Today, I want my focus to be on God, not my
own strength. God is going to help me through
any trial in my life. He will see me through it.
If you have any trials in your own life, look
to God's strength. The creator of the Universe
is powerful enough to help you with your
Pray, give thanks, and look to God who loves
you. He's thinking about you today, are you
thinking about Him? Talk to Him!
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
My Daily Bread
Thy Word is my daily bread
Strengthening me as I'm fed.
Treasuring it in my heart,
Let me never from it depart.
I need direction each day
to keep me on the narrow way.
The Bible is the only guide.
Its truth cannot be denied.
Thy Word brings me life,
helping me overcome strife.
Precious Word of God abide
with me as comfort you provide.
Monday, November 24, 2008
All Good Gifts
Creator of all that is beautiful to see.
Lover of my soul, the one I adore
The true God all earth will bow before.
I am a sinner unworthy to see your face.
I thank you for your mercy, grace
and willingness to send your Son to earth
So I could die to sin and have a second birth.
Because of you I have been made new.
I can count on your Word that is true.
What a blessing to commune in prayer,
All my joys and sorrows with you I share.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
You Are
A Songbird that brings sweet
Melody into my wistful heart
The savory spice which adds
Zest to my lonely days
The exquisite flowers on a hillside
That bring beauty and delight
Living and cooling water
A tonic to revive and refresh
The master teacher of knowledge
And I, the adoring student at your feet
Light that illuminates my night
Guiding me through raging storms.
A king adorned in purple robe
And I'm your beloved servant
The strong citadel that protects
Me from all dark and evil forces
My loving Savior, your scarlet blood
Flowing from your brow and side
Sweet nectar of forgiveness that
Brings abundant joy to my soul.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Victorious Hope
a way to cope,
overcome strife
within their life.
Hope shines like a candle at night,
sharing its light,
shedding despair,
showing God's care.
Jesus brought us hope through God's plan,
redeeming man,
freeing from sin,
vict'ry to win.
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Saving You, Saving Me
as my soul you defend.
Wondrous love that doesn't end.
Oh my Savior and my friend!
Loving Saviour who died for me,
paid my debt on Calvary,
cleansed my soul and set me free.
Now I come on bended knee.
God, your only Son you gave
wanting us, from sin to save.
Raising Him from the grave.
Daily now, your Word I crave!
Loving you, Loving me
He died for us on Calvary.
Saving you, Saving me
By His blood we are set free.
Superman Rescues the Baby Pumpkin
Nebraska's weather was beautiful on Halloween day,
cool and crisp, but pleasant. All the children dreamed about
the large amount of delicious candy they would receive.
Adults bought lots of candy and decorated so neighborhood
children would have fun. The adults didn't mind having a
little candy leftover to munch on.
Superman was excited about Halloween. He enjoyed flying
around and seeing all the children walking around from door
to door getting treats. He also wanted to make sure all the
children were safe.
What a huge responsibility! He was watching one baby
pumpkin very carefully. This baby had a difficult time when
he was born.
Baby Garrison was dressed as a pumpkin. He was sleeping
soundly in his stroller. Someone had pushed him around and
left him close to a hill. All of a sudden his stroller was bumped
into by one of the children trick or treating. It started rolling
down a hill. Garrison's Mom started screaming. She and his
Daddy started running down the hill trying to stop the runaway
stroller. Other friends started helping in the chase to save
baby Garrison.
It was a long hill and the stroller picked up speed. It was then
that Superman or Supperman, as he was sometimes called, saw
the danger.
Immediately he turned and flew in the direction of the runaway
stroller. With the speed of light he was there to stop the
stroller. He picked up Baby Garrison, who was actually laughing
and enjoying his ride down the hill. He was too little to know the
danger he was in.
Garrison's grateful parents thanked and thanked Superman for
saving Garrison, the baby pumpkin.
Superman didn't want a fuss made about it. He was just glad to
help. Seeing Garrison safe was all the reward he needed.
He flew off so he could continue his mission to watch over the
children so they would all have a Happy Halloween.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Amazing, Simply Amazing
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
The Child in Me
The wind teased as it blew my hair.
What joy to be without a care!
My friends and I laughed with glee
the leaves, the wind and me.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Compromise - Good or Bad
else needs their turn sometimes. Fred's wonderful at saying: "Where
do you want to go eat or what movie do you want to rent?" I need to
remember to be thoughtful and take turns doing what he likes.
But what about compromising your beliefs. I see too much of that.
We say "everybody's doing such and such now". Nothing's wrong with
it. Did God's standards for us change or are we trying to change it to
fit our own wants? We certainly don't want to stand out from the crowd,
do we?
Sorry if I seem to be preaching. I'm actually reminding myself that I
need to be holier, hold myself to a higher standard. I'm thankful for
Christian friends who live a great example and encourage me to live for
Christ. We go together to the prison on Tuesday nights and share our
lives. None of us are perfect, but we try to encourage one another to live
above the world's standards.
If you're living a Christian life, can anyone see a difference? Would they know
you're a Christian by how you talk, the movies you see, the places you go?
There's always someone watching us. Teachers have lots of children who
watch them daily. They have a big responsibility to model the right way to
act to those students. What about you? Who's watching you?
I've got three beautiful grandchildren. Children need lots of encouragement
nowadays to know how to not get caught up in worldly activities. How to
live in the world, without looking like the world.
Wow. I've got lots to do, lots of praying, lots of reading God's Word. I've got
to be a godly wife, mother, grandmother, and friend. Too many souls look at
me. What kind of example am I? What kind of example are you? Think
about it.
Friday, October 31, 2008
Blessings I Delight In
It touched my heart when Esther reached her hands out to me and
when Fischer said, "I've been missing you". Baby Garrison is so sweet
and precious.
I enjoy seeing their first smiles and how they are growing and
learning how to do new things.
What a joy to hold them and rock them. I think it's a reminder
of when my own babies were small and I could hold them.
I hope my own children know how much I still delight in watching
their progress in life. I share their joy in their graduations, weddings,
moving into their own homes, and having their own children.
It thrills me to see my sons with their own children and to see how
much they love them and want to be good daddies.
I'm glad that Libby shares about her joys of wanting to be a teacher.
She's grown so confident in her ability to speak. She's had lots of
accomplishments, attended conferences and presented papers.
What a blessing to be told that Franklin is doing a great job as a
youth minister. I'm proud of John and his accomplishments at his
job and his promotion that he received a while back.
It's a great joy to see Franklin's talents to write, John's talent of
playing the guitar, and Libby's talent of speaking and teaching.
I also take great delight in my daughters-in-love: Tracy and
Emily. I prayed for many years for christian wives for my sons
and God answered my prayers. It is a joy to see them taking care
of my sons and their children. I love seeing how they decorate
their homes.
I have many blessings. I just want to make sure my children
know how special they are. Love ya, Mom
Monday, October 27, 2008
Am I Following You?
or doing what I want to do?
Do I pray to do your will each day
or am I living life my own way?
God, am I following you
and to your word being true?
Am I letting you change my heart
so from you I'll never depart?
Following you is what I want to do.
My life is changing. I'm brand new.
I can't be part of the crowd anymore,
Above the world I must soar.
Following you may involve a cost,
but I know my soul won't be lost.
Friends may forsake me and flee,
but you'll always be with me.
You gave me the gift of your only Son
so the victory over sin has been won.
With your help I'll conquer the unknown
and lay my life before your holy throne.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Life is like a Game
The man, a high school football coach,
had not had a winning season in 7 years. He was
discouraged. When he came home, his car died in
the driveway.
He sat down at the table and started to eat. It was
a sandwich. His wife said the stove doesn't work.
Not only that, the drier wasn't working either. As
he sat there, he put his hands through his hair and
said and I'm going bald.
Do you ever feel like that? Everything is going wrong.
It could be compared to a game of football. You get
tackled a lot before you reach the goal line. You
sometimes think you're not going to be able to get back
into the game.
Other times you feel like you have been penalized. The
flag's been thrown down. Go back 10 yards. You wonder
what you've done that you're having all these problems.
Then there are those wonderful days when you reach the
goal line and feel like everyone in the stands are cheering
for you.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Precious Gems
There's naught to compare.
Why did you choose upon me to shine
Your friendship so fine?
Your cheerleading style
Saw me through many a trial.
You led me to a higher plane
And helped me sing a lovely refrain.
Even a language barrier
Couldn't keep us from being together.
To another country we'd flown.
You made me part of your home.
You were like a gentle breeze,
Even getting down on your knees
Making pleas for me to the Father above
Showing me your loyalty and love.
Friends, old and new
How could I do without you?
You're love is a refreshing stream.
Our friendship, I highly esteem.
Copyright April 2007
Written by J.K. Wood
Sunday, April 06, 2008
Neglecting my Blog
It seems that some of my poems about God have been the best received. So, I hope to write
more. Fanstory is a great place to share stories about God and people read them and review them. Some even seem encouraged. There are some doubters, but they at least read and maybe
reflect some.
So, if you don't notice any poems or stories here, I'll be on Fanstory.
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Have you ever Been Passionate about Something?
voice and I never felt like I had one before. It's good to have some way
to express myself.
There's an online writing group that of which I have become addicted.
It's called fanstory. It's so exciting for me. I have gotten to review a
lot of poems and some short stories. It's exciting because I can
encourage others about their writing.
One reason I am so excited is that there are a lot of poems about
God. A lot of the authors are sharing their faith by their poems. I'm
so excited to review those poems and get to know the authors. They
are becoming like friends.
Of course, I know that God should be what I am most passionate about.
That's why I think about the Psalm and song of thirsting for God like
in a dry land where there is no water. So this is what I need to pray for,
passion for God. I hope you are becoming passionate about Him.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
This is a Poem About
This is a poem about traveling on a bumpy potholed road.
This is a poem about eating nsema and chicken and visiting.
This is a poem about hospitality.
This is a poem about friendship.
This is a poem about love.
This is a poem about the Sianjinas.
This is a poem about a teacher.
This is a poem about attending chapel.
This is a poem about a little girl searching for the teacher
in chapel.
This is a poem about Rayton and Libby.
This is a poem about a student.
This is a poem about a soccer player.
This is a poem about a friend with a dream.
This is a poem about the student, friend, soccer player,
who left Zambia and went to the States.
This is a poem about my Zambian son.
This is a poem about Bornwell.
This is a poem about a wedding.
This is a poem about customs.
This is a poem about laughter and
this is a poem about the friend who
got married.
This is a poem about Justin.
This is a poem about pillow fights.
This is a poem about baking cake for a friend.
This is a poem about a storyteller.
This is a poem about Ray.
This is a poem about the Sianjinas.
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Marvelous Day
that was so marvelous. I had a day at home alone. It was so
exciting. I cleaned sinks, mopped floors, cleaned toilets, and
washed laundry. I even had time to watch one of my all-time
favorite movies (again) Facing the Giants. I also talked to my
mother, my mother-in-law and my son, Franklin, on the phone.
Even though I worked around the house I also had time just to
be alone and relax. If I don't have days to just relax and be
alone I really get stressed out.
I'm going to be teaching at the prison in about 3 weeks so I
worked on my lesson.
I think God knew I needed one of these stay at home and relax
kind of days. So thank you Father. You always provide what I
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Friends-Thank God for Them
If you're like me there are plenty, but one such friend is Carol.
Carol really worked at pulling me out of my shell, making me do
things that were out of my comfort zone. She encouraged me to
be a cub scout den leader. I still can't believe that I did that.
Of course, I also had another friend, Margaret, who helped me
with the boys or I'm sure I'd never been able to do it.
Fred and I were also in the brothers' keeper group with Carol
and her husband, Bob. Carol asked me to call people in the group
each month and invite them to the meeting. This was also
something difficult for me. It was like pulling teeth. I am not a
phone person and still have to rehearse what I say when I call
someone to ask a question.
Friends, like Carol and Margaret, have made a great difference
in my life. They helped me grow. They encouraged and inspired
me to try new things. They believed in me. Have you ever had
friends like that or have you ever been a friend like that? I'd
like your comments.
Let's all try to be the kind of friends we really need to be. Friends
who make a difference; who inspire, encourage, and want the
very best for our friends. Friends - BE ONE!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Spiritual Blahs
Not going forward in your faith or growing. Do you feel like
your prayers are just bouncing off the ceiling?
I guess it's like the winter season. You can see no growth.
Everything looks dead, but there's hope because it really isn't.
The green grass will come out, the trees bud and bring forth
leaves, and the flowers will once more come forth in an array
of colors.
I know God is listening and waiting for just the right moment
to answer my prayers. Everything has to be just right. I
have been studying Joseph and think about all those years it
took before his dreams came true. All the suffering and how
God was shaping him.
I look around at others who are suffering and feel my trials
are so insignificant up to theirs. God has a plan for each
one of us and a time for it to be fulfilled.
So, dear one, there is hope. Keep believing, keep praying
and be assured God loves you and is working mightily in
your behalf.
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
Fears about Job Search
I remember when Fred and I returned from Africa and I hadn't
worked outside our home in 17 years. All the job listings made
the jobs sound like something I couldn't possibly do.
I hadn't answered a phone in the 5 years we had lived in Africa.
We didn't have a phone. Secretarial work had changed so much
because there were computers.
So if you haven't worked for awhile like a stay at home Mom or
if you've had the same job for quite some time it's a frightening
experience looking for a job. Can anyone relate? If so, please
Monday, February 04, 2008
Wash the Gray Away or Where's My Miss Clairol When I Need It!
to enjoy an occasional trip to the beauty salon to get my hair cut and
that's no longer possible. Also, my hair has to go back to its original
color, drab gray and brown. My hair looks like it has been powdered
next to my scalp.
I guess this is the end of a beautiful friendship with Miss Clairol or
Revlon or whatever color I could find.
I just had another birthday so I guess I will just have to look my age!
What is a Friend?
doesn't act like a friend. This was brought home to me last
week when my Step-Dad and Mom tried to help a friend.
They had a car wreck and now the "friend" is suing them.
They were just trying to help her during a difficult time.
She even spent the night of the accident with them; then
was quick to leave the next morning to see her lawyer.
She had already been complaining of back pain, but said
her back was lots worse now.
Still you don't want an experience like this to change you.
You still want to be someone willing to reach out and
help someone.
I think of a friend like Jonathan was to David. He knew
David would be king and even though as Saul's son he
could have claimed the kingship, he didn't want to do
that. He wanted to protect his friend, even if it meant
being at odds with his own father.
To have friends, a person must show themselves friendly.
We also should live by the golden rule to treat others as
we want to be treated. Friends do things for each other.
It's not a one way street. You don't do things for a friend
so your friend will do things for you, but real friends seek
to help and encourage one another.
Let's remember to treat our friends with kindness.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Presumed Murdered
our family genealogy. One was about my mother's family and
the other about my father's family. There were so many of the
people that I didn't know, even those who lived in my lifetime.
As I was looking through the book about my father's family I
discovered an entry about a woman relative. It said she was
presumed murdered. Presumed murdered! I can't get that
out of my mind. Why was it that she was presumed murdered?
What had happened? What were the circumstances? Where
was she found? Did they have any idea as to who might have
murdered her?
Did she have a happy life up until that fateful day? Or was her
life full of sadness. What was her marriage like? Did anyone
consider if her husband might have killed her? Was there any
possibility of suicide?
It happened in about 1846. I can't remember exactly what the
notebook said about how old she was. I suppose no one will ever
know what really happened. Presumed murdered!
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep
I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I die before I wake I pray the Lord
my soul to take.
I remember thinking of this prayer often as a child. Then I was
fearful that something would happen to me. Now as I get older,
I know it's very possible that something could happen to me at
any time.
I treasure each moment I have with my children and my two
precious grandchildren. Oh, how I hope I have lots of time with
them. I didn't know my own grandparents much. I guess that's
why being an available grandparent is important to me.
Now I lay me down to sleep
If I die before I wake
I hope my children and grandchildren will know how important
they are in my life. Time with them is precious. Time is something
there's never quite enough of. Not enough to say everything we
want to, to do everything we want to, to be with all the people we
love as much as we want.
I hope my children also treasure their moments with family and
friends. Don't forget what's important. I love you!!
I'm Overwhelmed
Tracy and Franklin. He's blessing them with another child.
I've been thinking about prayers for my children. I know God
has been with them and blessed them.
He blessed Franklin and John with wonderful wives. They each
have a beautiful child. They have good jobs.
I know God answered prayers about Franklin getting the right
place to work and the right place to live.
Now I'm excited as John and Emily and trying to find a new home.
I'm excited to see how God will answer.
I believe He has blessed all my children with talents. I've seen them
grow in those. They amaze me. I've watched them all go through
college and now Libby is even a graduate student. I know God has
helped them all and I know He continues to have great plans for them
and for my grandchildren.
At times we pray, but we forget God is working. We get used to
praying and sometimes we forget to praise Him when He answers.
Thank you God for continuiing to answer even when I'm not worthy
of your wonderful gifts. Thank you also for my wonderful church
family who's praying for me.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Those We Miss
thought of some of my relatives in ages. It's strange how hearing a
name can bring a picture into your mind.
I long to go on a day trip with my sister and see some of the old
homes that I visited as a child. I want to look at family tombstones
and reflect on the lives of those with whom I can no longer laugh or
My brother's best friend, Tommy, died in the Vietnam War. He was
much too young. He was over at our house a lot since his own mother
had died and he lived with his grandmother.
I had a crush on Tommy for a while. He thought of me as a little
sister. At Tommy's funeral I couldn't bear to look at his face. It was
difficult to come to terms with the fact that he was dead. Somehow it
seemed as if I could keep him alive if I didn't see him lying in that
casket. But memories don't die!
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sharing Tag
The Rules: Link to the person that tagged yuo and post the rules on
your blog.
Share 5 random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog,
Share the 5 top places on your "want to see or want to see again"
list, or
Share 5 things you never pictured being in your future when you
were 25 years old.
Tag a minimum of 5, maximum of 10 random people at the end of
your post and include links to their blogs. Let each person know
that they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
The tagees have a choice of which they want to do.
I'm doing 5 random facts about myself.
1. In high school I hated giving book reports, but later joined
Toastmasters and enjoyed giving speeches. I was still nervous
but it was fun.
2. When I got married I was working in the Dept. of Anesthesiology
at University Hospital in Oklahoma City. The other women in
the office couldn't believe I would be willing to move away from
my parents to Memphis, Tenn. Because of a recommendation
letter sent from one of my bosses I was able to work at the
University Hospital in Memphis also in the Dept. of
3. I hate change, but moved to Africa for 5 years. Only with God's
was I able to do this.
4. Another thing about myself it that I am involved in prison
ministry which has also been something which stretched my
5. My latest passion is writing; although I have lots and lots of stuff
I've written not much is really worthy of reading.
tag: Esther, Tracy
Amazing Grace - the movie
like to be so appalled by something that you spend 15
years of your life fighting against it? Fighting a battle
that seems hopeless. Everyone seems to be against you.
Your health suffers. You are tired, disheartened, frustrated
and yet you must continue. You cannot let the other side
win this battle.
Is there some battle cry that I must take up; what about you?
Friday, January 18, 2008
Ain't No Sunshine When Esther's Gone

Tessa Turtle sat shivering in the cold, dark house. Never had
she felt so alone. It wasn't just the absence of electricity that
made the house dreary; it was the fact the little girl was gone.
She felt as if she were alone on a boat far from the shore.
Tessa could still hear the ice pelting the roof. The trees were
bending over from the weight of ice. Occasionally, she heard a
loud crack which reminded her of a gunshot.
When the electricity had gone off, the little girl's parents had
gathered up some clothes and whisked her off to her grand-
parent's house. They had even taken the fish and Tessa's friend
and confidant, Pete, the guard dog. None of the other stuffed
animals in the house could speak, so Tessa had no one with whom
she could talk.
Tessa tried to forget her own loneliness and remember that the
little girl had to be protected at all costs. She already had the
sniffles and no one wanted the little girl to be sick.
Tessa heard a clicking sound and the creaking of the front door
as it opened. Who was there? Soon she saw the little girl's daddy.
He was gathering up more clothes; then he went into the garage
and tossed food into the ice chest. Oh my, thought Tessa, it
looked like it might be a while before the little girl could come
Tessa loved living with the little girl and her parents. She
thought of the day the little girl came home from the hospital.
What an exciting day it was! The little girl's parents were
overjoyed. Finally, she had arrived. Even Pete, the guard dog
was excited.
Tessa had watched as the little girl grew. She learned to do
new things. She smiled and cooed. Then she began to laugh.
She started trying to talk, making different sounds. The little
girl's parents could not understand her, but Pete and Tessa
had learned the little girl's language. They all enjoyed
watching her develop new skills.
It was another long lonely night. Tessa was trying to keep
her courage up by thinking about all the happy memories she
shared with the little girl.
The next morning Tessa heard the sound of truck down the
street. She hoped it was someone working on the electricity.
About noon, Tessa heard the key turning inthe front door.
Surely it wasn't the little girl's daddy. He was supposed to
be at work. The door groaned as it opened. Tessa heard
the little girl's mother and grandpa. Her heart filled with
anticipation. There was the little girl, but only for a moment.
Then the little girl vanished from Tessa's sight. That brief
time was enough to encourage Tessa.
After the little girl had been gone several hours, Tessa
heard a humming noise and saw a bright flash of light.
Yea, the electricity was on again. Now she knew that the
little girl, her parents, the fish and Pete would be home
again soon.
She was thinking of all she was going to talk to Pete and
the little girl about when they arrived home. Tessa felt
all warm inside. Surely, there must be more inside Tessa
than stuffing. Tessa knew that the little girl with her
giggles and laughter brought happiness into this home.
She waiting excitedly for the return of "little miss sunshine".
My Acting Career
the "Parent Trap" made me reminisce about when I was about
10 years old and saw the movie for the first time with my friends,
Pam and Trudy.
I don't know why we loved that movie so much. Our parents
weren't divorced, but for some reason it struck a chord with us.
Maybe we all missed our Dads because it seemed at that time
they were all so busy with work. We hardly saw them.
Every opportunity we had to be together we acted that
movie out. I still enjoy the movie. It brings back my childhood.
I'm glad to see that my sons are able to be very involved in
their children's lives. I've noticed that at worship services Fathers
take on more of a role in their children's lives; holding them,
changing diapers, letting Moms have a rest.
Of course, there are still many single parent homes where
children long to know their Fathers.
I'm thankful for each and every moment I did have my Dad.
I'm also thankful for Trudy, Pam and yes, Haley Mills who made
my acting moments possible.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Writing the History of Our Lives
lives. I want to write about my life, not that it's so amazing or enthralling
to listen to. Realizing my children don't know very much about my
family and my childhood compels me to want to write, even if it's only for
my children and grandchildren. I'm not saying I'm a "great writer" and
everyone should read what I write.
I suppose at times I feel that I don't know nearly as much as I'd like to
about my Dad or my mother. My mother is still alive and I can find out
events about her life, what it was like for her growing up; however, my
Dad has been dead for 28 years. I want to put what I do know on paper
so my children and grandchildren can at least know my Dad through
me. I think as long as my Dad lives on in my memory somehow I
hope I can keep him alive and let others know what he meant to my
I never knew my Dad's parents and I wish my Dad or Aunt had told
me more about them. Although, my Dad's mother died when he was
about 18 months old so he really didn't know much about her either.
We have such strong ties to our family and unfortunately those
closest to us don't always know all that we long to tell them. We leave
so many thoughts and feelings unsaid. Also, by writing about the
people in my life I can relive some precious moments and realize how
blessed my life has been.